Storage account
- Blob storage
- Table storage
The Arcus.Testing.Storage.Blob
package provides test fixtures related to Azure Blob storage. By using the common testing practice 'clean environment', it provides a temporary Blob container and Blob file.
The following functionality is available when installing this package:
PM> Install-Package -Name Arcus.Testing.Storage.Blob
🛡️ Make sure that the test client that interacts with the Blob storage has at least
Storage Blob Data Contributor
-rights if the test needs to create/update/delete containers.
Temporary Blob container
The TemporaryBlobContainer
provides a solution when the integration test requires a storage system (container) during the test run. An Azure Blob container is created upon the setup of the test fixture and is deleted again when the test fixture is disposed.
⚡ Whether or not the test fixture should use an existing container is configurable.
using Arcus.Testing;
await using var container = await TemporaryBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(
"<account-name", "<container-name>", logger);
// Interact with the container during the lifetime of the fixture.
BlobContainerClient client = container.Client;
Uploading blobs to the container can also be done via the test fixture. It always make sure that any uploaded blobs will be removed afterwards.
using Arcus.Testing;
await using TemporaryBlobContainer container = ...
BlobClient client = await container.UploadBlobAsync(
"<blob-name>", BinaryData.FromString("<blob-content>"));
The setup and teardown process of the temporary container is configurable. By default, it always removes any resources that it was responsible for creating.
using Arcus.Testing;
await TemporaryBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(..., options =>
// Options related to when the test fixture is set up.
// ---------------------------------------------------
// (Default) Leaves all Azure Blobs untouched that already existed,
// upon the test fixture creation, when there was already an Azure Blob container available.
// Delete all Azure Blobs upon the test fixture creation,
// when there was already an Azure Blob container available.
// Delete Azure Blobs that matches any of the configured filters,
// upon the test fixture creation, when there was already an Azure Blob container available.
options.OnSetup.CleanMatchingBlobs((BlobItem blob) => blob.Name.StartsWith("test-"));
// Options related to when the test fixture is teared down.
// --------------------------------------------------------
// (Default for cleaning blobs)
// Delete Azure Blobs upon the test fixture disposal that were uploaded by the fixture.
// Delete all Azure Blobs upon the test fixture disposal,
// even if the test fixture didn't uploaded them.
// Delete additional Azure Blobs that matches any of the configured filters,
// upon the test fixture disposal.
// ⚠️ Blobs uploaded by the test fixture itself will always be deleted.
options.OnTeardown.CleanMatchingBlobs((BlobItem blob) => blob.Name.StartsWith("test-"));
// (Default for deleting container)
// Delete Azure Blob container if the test fixture created the container.
// Delete Azure Blob container regardless if the test fixture created the container or not.
// `OnTeardown` is also still available after the temporary container is created:
await using TemporaryBlobContainer container = ...
🎖️ The
will always remove any Azure Blobs that were uploaded on the temporary container itself with thecontainer.UploadBlobAsync
. This follows the 'clean environment' testing principal that any test should not leave any state it created behind after the test has run.
Temporary Blob file
The TemporaryBlobFile
provides a solution when the integration test requires data (blob) during the test run. An Azure Blob file is created upon the setup of the test fixture and is deleted again when the test fixture is disposed.
using Arcus.Testing;
await using var file = await TemporaryBlobFile.UploadIfNotExistsAsync(
blobContainerUri: new Uri("<blob-container-uri">),
blobName: "<blob-name>",
blobContent: BinaryData.FromString("<blob-content">),
logger: logger);
// Interact with the blob during the lifetime of the fixture.
BlobClient client = file.Client;
The Arcus.Testing.Storage.Table
package provides test fixtures related to Azure Table storage. By using the common testing practice 'clean environment', it provides a temporary Table and Table entity.
The following functionality is available when installing this package:
PM> Install-Package -Name Arcus.Testing.Storage.Table
🛡️ Make sure that the test client that interacts with the Table storage has at least
Storage Table Data Contributor
-rights if the test needs to create/update/delete tables.
Temporary Table
The TemporaryTable
provides a solution when the integration test requires a storage system (table) during the test run. An Azure Table is created upon the setup of the test fixture and is deleted again when the test fixture is disposed.
using Arcus.Testing;
await using var table = await TemporaryTable.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(
"<account-name", "<table-name>", logger);
// Interact with the table during the lifetime of the fixture.
TableClient client = table.Client;
🎖️ Overloads are available to fully control the authentication mechanism to Azure Table storage. By default, it uses the
Adding entities to the table can also be done via the test fixture. It always make sure that any added entities will be removed afterwards upon disposal.
using Arcus.Testing;
await using TemporaryTable table = ...
ITableEntity myEntity = ...
await table.AddEntityAsync(myEntity);
The setup and teardown process of the temporary table is configurable. By default, it always removes any resources that it was responsible for creating.
using Arcus.Testing;
await TemporaryTable.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(..., options =>
// Options related to when the test fixture is set up.
// ---------------------------------------------------
// (Default) Leaves all Azure Table entities untouched that already existed,
// upon the test fixture creation, when there was already an Azure Table available.
// Delete all Azure Table entities upon the test fixture creation,
// when there was already an Azure Table available.
// Delete Azure Table entities that matches any of the configured filters,
// upon the test fixture creation, when there was already an Azure Table available.
options.OnSetup.CleanMatchingEntities((TableEntity entity) => entity["Test"] = "Value");
// Options related to when the test fixture is teared down.
// --------------------------------------------------------
// (Default for cleaning entities)
// Delete Azure Table entities upon the test fixture disposal that were added by the fixture.
// Delete all Azure Table entities upon the test fixture disposal,
// even if the test fixture didn't added them.
// Delete additional Azure Table entities that matches any of the configured filters,
// upon the test fixture disposal.
// ⚠️ Entities added by the test fixture itself will always be deleted.
options.OnTeardown.CleanMatchingEntities((TableEntity entity) => entity["Test"] = "Value");
// `OnTeardown` is also still available after the temporary table is created:
await using TemporaryTable table = ...
🎖️ The
will always remove any Azure Table entities that were added on the temporary table itself with thetable.AddEntityAsync
. This follows the 'clean environment' testing principal that any test should not leave any state it created behind after the test has run.
Temporary Table entity
The TemporaryTableEntity
provides a solution when the integration test requires data (table) during the test run. An Azure Table entity is added upon the setup of the test fixture and is deleted again when the test fixture is disposed.
using Arcus.Testing;
ITableEntity entity = ...
await using var entity = await TemporaryTableEntity.AddIfNotExistsAsync(
"<account-name>", "<table-name>", entity, logger);
🎖️ Overloads are available to fully control the authentication mechanism to Azure Table storage. By default, it uses the